9 must-read tech stories in China this week - ( PH1L1PN33 )

No time to waste! Here’s this week’s top news from China.

1. New Xiaomi Mi3 unveiled: here’s what you need to know

Xiaomi had a big week after its annual press conference on Thursday. The company unveiled its new flagship phone as well as a smart TV.

2. Apple to hold twin press event in China for new iPhones, rumored simultaneous release of iPhone 5C

Apple will host dual press events in Beijing and California for the first time ever on September 10. We’re hearing a lot of rumors about a possible early release of the budget model iPhone 5C in China. Spirits were dampened ahead of the conference when the factory that supposedly makes the 5C was accused of labor rights violations.

3. Innovation Works founder and CEO Kaifu Lee diagnosed with cancer

One of China’s most forward-thinking and outspoken tech and startup pioneers announced he was diagnosed with cancer this week. We wish him a speedy recovery.

4. Baidu unveils a smart TV, now up for sale in China

The race for smart TVs is heating up between the big players like Xiaomi and Alibaba. Baidu joined in this week, complete with its own operating system.

5. China’s web reacts to Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia

It was the acquisition heard ’round the world, and China was no exception.

6. China Unicom’s WeChat plans already have a million subscribers

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. We’re starting to see more of these plans that allow users to use messaging apps without an actual data plan across Asia, and they’re catching on fast.

7. Sina Weibo to launch super-fast earthquake notification service

It’s always good to see social media do something philanthropic in the world. Sina Weibo’s earthquake notification service could help curb the harmful effects of natural disaster.

8. Yahoo has pretty much given up on the Chinese market with the shutdown of Yahoo China portal

It might not be blocked like Google, but that’s not enough to keep Yahoo! in the game.

9. How one Chinese e-commerce site turns its shoppers into models

Here’s something a little sexy to end the week with: a clothing brand lets users post pics of themselves as models on its website.

That’s all for this week, folks! For our full spread of China coverage, you might like to subscribe to our China RSS feed.

The post 9 must-read tech stories in China this week appeared first on Tech in Asia.


Sunday, September 8, 2013 0 comments